
Amplifying the independent spirit of small business

Founded in 2009, Invoice2go pioneered mobile invoicing, helping small businesses get paid faster from anywhere. But the category has become crowded with similar products, all competing for a share of the multi-trillion dollar global small business market. With a recent re-org and a more inclusive product vision to empower anyone to start and run a small business, Invoice2go was ready to redefine itself and break out of the competitive gridlock. And they tapped Geist to be their creative partner along the journey.

We began with research that yielded a simple insight: Starting a business is equal parts thrilling and terrifying. The empowerment that comes from striking out on your own is matched by the fear that comes from abandoning the security of traditional employment. It takes courage to make the leap. And nowhere is that tension felt more than when you’re just getting started. That’s exactly where the product is designed to help, giving small businesses and freelancers a set of powerful yet dead-simple tools to get up and running with less friction and more confidence.

From there, we worked with company leaders to develop a brand strategy based on a clear purpose — to amplify the independent spirit of small business. It’s an idea that would resonate with the upstart mentality, galvanize internal culture, and create difference in a sea of trans­ac­tion­al competitors. We renamed the company Getgo, reflecting their desire to partner with small businesses right at their inception.

Next, we developed an energetic visual system designed to unify marketing and product appli­ca­tions. We created a messaging framework and produced a stable of hard-hitting key messages aimed at inspiring would-be upstarts to take control of the way they work. We developed a motion language for use in all screen-based appli­ca­tions. And we codified all of it in a brand playbook to empower internal teams and agency partners to express the brand confidently in every medium.

The impact of our work didn’t stop with the rebrand. Clarity of purpose paved the way for Getgo to create podcasts, educational content, communities, and new features, all designed to inspire more people to work for themselves. In 2021, these efforts culminated in the brand’s acquisition by bill​.com, a mainstay in the payments space.

Here’s what our client had to say… As a marketing leader, aligning the entire business around a purpose feels like a superpower. Everything we do can now be viewed from this lens — whether it’s the product we build, the stories we tell, or the business goals we set. It’s our true north. It’s inspi­ra­tional. It’s authentic. It also helps us attract the right type of talent — those who are truly excited about the purpose and delivering on it for our customers. All the ups and downs of business become easier and are con­tex­tu­al­ized with the brand purpose. The team at Geist did an incredible job in guiding and leading us through this process…” 

—Pranav Piyush, CMO

  • Services
  • Brand Strategy
  • Naming
  • Visual Identity
  • Messaging
  • Art Direction
  • Motion Design
  • UX/UI Design
  • Guidelines
  • People
  • Eric Mortensen
  • Tim Kamerer
  • Al James
  • Alex Bernard
  • Chris Hornbecker